i was long time never updated my blog..
sorry about all my friends..
cause i was busy about my assignment...
now is still rushing..
actually i had some trouble and problem on past of today..
but i had not time to came here to abreaction and share with all of you..
but today i really ...
don't know how to say my feeling now...
just want to say ...
i have a suck family!
Damn's father!
Suck's mother!
Fucker's sister!
Stupid brother!
i really felt tired and busy this few weeks..
everyday study,working, rushing homework and etc ..
but YOU have never know me..
keep scolding me!
i tired take a sleep you scold me..
i rush my assignment did not sleep you scold me..
you just want me know how tired you have but you had never know how tired and feeling i get..
i told YOU my lesen was expired 3 days..
you scold me...
i really was busy and tired till i was forgot...
but you did not know my feeling..
keep scolded me..
fortunately i had not told you i got blocking...
some more Fucker father you " fuel " beside what !?
you was always forget too!
just now...
i asked you where to have see a doctor i can..
you also have seen what's happen to my hand..
but you scolded me again!
scolded me why yesterday don't want had to go then today just want to go?!
yesterday after i came back from school was already 5 pm.
i sleep to took a rested after that i had to went to worked..
but why you just scold me but never know my feeling..!
i felt so angry!
after i was alone went to see doctor...
i was already spent $40..
this semester i have to spent a lot of money...
but i have no more money...
my hand was already like that..
but i still have to working..
i have no enough money and time..
but YOU never know..
you never know me..
i dislike my family!
really HATE it!